Bay Area Drama Therapy
Carrie Todd M.F.T. R.D.T. C.C.F.C.
Behind the Mask
What is Drama Therapy?
Drama therapy is a fun, creative, inspiring way to work through problems and learn new coping skills.
Why Do It?
Drama therapy promotes change. It helps you step out of insecurity and fear and learn new ways of being in the world.
Tell Me More
Like all expressive arts therapies, drama therapy capitalizes on the inherent healing potential of creativity. Creativity requires the use of your imagination, the use of your intellect, and it requires taking action. These three things can lead to new insight, new perspectives, new solutions to old problems. In short, utilizing your innate creativity can be an excellent way to achieve personal growth and transformation.
Drama therapy draws on the tools of the theater trade. Consider the job of the actor...
Imagine if we had such clarity in real life...
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